11 July 2008

One Month Ups

Today marks my one-month anniversary with Washington, DC. I celebrated by going to my first Nationals baseball game. Completely astonished, once again, at the utter ease and quickness of getting around, I made a list of DC highlights so far. Here are a few of my favorite things:

10. Walking. The most walkable city I have ever lived in.
9. DC Metro, for when I don't feel like walking.
8. Juice Joint.
7. Sweets: at home, at work, on the streets.
6. My porch, and all it looks out on.
5. Street signals all have timers for the crosswalk.
4. Having a regular routine.
3. Reconnecting with my old pal from high school.
2. An internship with actual, impactful work that will live on once I'm gone.
1. Biking to work takes less time than the bus.

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