04 June 2007

Turkey 02: Switzerland

14 May 2007
2:35 PM
Over Croatia

Halfway through the second leg to Istanbul. Just got served something Hot Pocket-esque, and it hit that proverbial spot. Famished. This is also a nice plane, with a very diverse mix of passengers. Young folks and families looking like they're heading for holiday, Turks returning home, and a gaggle of Japanese tourists. I had to surrender my cozy window seat to a sick passenger. Trying to learn Turkish in the span of an hour. Turkche beelmeeyorum? Evet? Hayir? Vegetarianeem. How you say, hopeless?

Zurich was lovely for a moment. Bought an adapter and... a Swatch! A Swatch from Switzerland! But like a dolt I went and bought one with no numbers on it, so I'll still have no idea what time it is.

All accounts make it seem like getting to Sultanahmet will be a breeze. Let's hope they're right. Haven't memorized the word for "Help" yet.

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