19 May 2007


ı'm ın turkey! kıllıng some tıme at an ınternet cafe, on a weırd turkısh keyboard that ı don,t quıte have the patıence to correct. we're waıtıng for our overnıght bus to ıstanbul... savıng some tıme and cash travelıng by nıght. only two days left! so far, as expected, turkey ıs amazıng. storıes to come.

ın the meantıme, here's somethıng. as a gıft to my mom and her man, ı found a nautıcal map of antarctıca and color-pencıled ın what we saw ın the locatıon we saw ıt. ı thınk ıt came out pretty rad.

antarctica map
Ruler and jar for scale

antarctica map

antarctica map

antarctica map

antarctica map

1 comment:

Celesté said...

miss you come back.

ps) love this image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/ericaisawino/bikestar.jpg