12 April 2006

Lost Post 2

Saturday, March 18
1:24 pm CST
9:24 pm Libya, Susa

We made it. I’m in f@#king Libya.

Took us two and a half hours to cross the border at Sallum in Egypt. No problems, just a long wait. Never once saw a customs or immigration agent.

Our drive west along the Libyan coastline took us through some of the most godforsaken land I have ever seen. Completely desolate, trash-ridden desert. Plastic bags blown up against barbed wired waved like desert flowers. Burned out abandoned cars (“dead cars”) littered on the fringe of the road. Coyotes and camels alike scavenged. A sea of nothingness.

Today was also the first day of the ghibli, the hot desert winds that kick up a lot of sand. Sandstorms are not enjoyable. We made a pit stop where I experienced the most vile toilet yet. Our drive was probably three times the length anticicpted, always “only one more hour” or “it’s just 50km to the hotel from here.” Try 250 km… Anyone here look at a map lately? Morale was definitely down, the mood on the bus a complete reversal from that in Egypt. Everything was rather comfortable and familiar and jovial on our little caravan there. I miss Walid and Hashim. I think we all do.

We did not do any touring today, as we pulled into our hotel close to 8 pm. There were some highlights of the bus ride, entirely astronomical though. As it was setting, the sun became a completely white round ball in the sky, like a glowing superball. You could look right at it (though I’m sure it was still bad for you). Never seen a sun like that. Then, after the sun had completely disappeared, the stars made their entrance. So many, so clear. Orion jumped right out. Been a long time since I’ve seen stars like that, and that was still along the highway with some light emanating from the cars. The desert is going to be amazing.

My cell phone is not working here, contrary to what I was told. Also, my voltage converter blew a fuse so I have no way to safely charge my phone or my computer or my iPod. I’m running on 15% power here and two bars on my phone. This is causing me much consternation. My lifelines to my life are slipping away from me. I must find someone with a converter that I can borrow for an afternoon.

Day 10, and homesickness is setting in.

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