16 March 2006

Stabbing Westward

Thursday, March 16
1:02 pm CST
9:02 pm Alexandria

I went to dinner. But, it was a buffet so I could quietly exercise my right not to gorge. Hard to resist the dessert table though, especially after getting cheated out of ice cream earlier today.

Well, this is the last night in Alexandria. Have to pack everything up, again. Five-thirty wake-up call tomorrow.

This is also possibly the last time I’ll have internet access. We start our drive towards Libya tomorrow, stopping at El Alamein (site of a decisive WWII battle, I’m stoked for that) en route to Marsa Metrouh for a night’s rest before the border crossing sometime Saturday. No idea what the internet situation, or any situation for that matter, will be like over there. I’ll take notes and tell you all about it in April.

tisbah al-khayr!

P.S. I wish foreign words were admissible in Scrabble: Arabic’s got a shitload of Q with no U words.

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